He is back! D. R. Pete! Back in da house. Check it. Yo. One time. Uh. That's right. Check it. Uh. Two time. That's right.
After retrieving my login name and passoword from Nicky boy yet again, I am back! And this time, he's coming in with a hurricane. He's wearing big shoes, to kick big butts. Baizhenji.blogpot.com will never be the same again. Say it with me, and say it like you MEAN it brothers and sisters, we're baizhenji adimango le manifique *click*. Uh, check it.
Oh it's been a long time. And swi... no we're not dead. Do i look dead to you? No man! I'm healthy! Look at me! I sleep 5 hours a day! I drink 3 cups of coffee before noon, I eat junk all day, and i pee only when i need to. Tell me: is that healthy living or what?
Anyways, this is not gonna be no ghost town no more, dig? When am i so black now? STOP. Ok, this shall no longer be a website for ghosts. SO on to the show:
First: Peter Tam has agreed to sign on Nicky boy to be his co-editor for his scripts, coz nicky, you the man. You fulla dung and i like it. We all like it. We all like your dung. You got good dung. And when we mix our dung together, we gonna produce good dung, dig? Dig. Now show me some love. *smack* Word.
Second: I think it was the second day of the camp. I got a call. The very gong voice on the other side said, "Hello, can i speak to Reverend Peter Poon please?"
I was faced with a dilemma: Should i just say, yes im Peter Poon, i'll speak at your camp, just tell me when and where and how much. Den i won't turn up. Or should i say, Peter Poon? What Peter Poon! Daiyan, I'm Peter Tam for crying out loud!!!
I chose the latter. Spread the word.
Third: Daiyan, a.k.a., Yan-titude, has now been renamed Zheng My Car. Spread the word.
Forth: Our dearly beloved kate shall leave for NZ come Wednesday, 28th December 2005. She will be sorely missed by friends in the youth, so come for one last time to see her off tommorow. Terminal 1. We'll be meeting her at 6.15 pm to eat and fellowship. Do come. Kate is best remembered ____(Fill in the blanks)____ .... sigh, aint she great? Hey, this is sounding like an obituary. She's still with us! Always will! Email her! MSN her! Tag her! SHE'S STILL HERE!!!
Fifth: 31st is coming. 2006 is fast appraoching. But before we think about that, let's spend some quiet moments reflecting on the year that was 2005. Think about our lessons learnt, emotions felt, experiences, and God's will in your life. For those still serving, think about the experiences. They are good. Think about how you will learn from them to be a better servant next year. For those stepping down, it is still good experience for whatever God brings you in future.
Someone told me recently, someone you all know well... He said something great is going to happen, i can feel it. And i believe in that. Brothers and sisters, what do you want to do for God this year?
Sixth: To end off, i want to say to all: Thank you. I've seen how you all work to keep the YF in one piece, to keep the devil at bay, to please God. It is great to see young ones stepping up, older ones helping out. I see prayers praying, helpers helping, leaders leading, and God's children being God's children. Thank you.
See, in case anyone is wondering why this news seems familiar, well, yes... it's old news... Thing is my blog homepage is in chinese... for some reason... so instead of publishing it, i saved it as draft. So there. Whoo, exciting...
pete the great found himself/herself@ 11:16 PM